

High quality replica purses- this is what we are looking for. We want to own stylishly designed luxury purses at an affordable price and because this seems to be something truly impossible these days, we turn our attention to fake handbags. Why we choose to do so? Because these knockoffs are made from incredibly similar materials, have an identical appearance and offer us that super-glamorous feel that you get only when you wear a designer purse. The only trick here is to find a decent online store that carriers these ideal replicas. Today, we will focus on Highpurse.cn and we will find out how trustworthy it really is.

As always, when you first enter a fake purses website you pay attention to its looks. Design is very important as it tells you half of the things you need to know about a company. Is it professional, serious and friendly? The appearance of its website should reflect all these things. For instance, Highpurse.cn has a very light, fresh and clean design. It doesn't tell you too much, it just invites you to discover its collection. The white homepage topped with a medium size banner of a gal surrounded by shopping bags and the black and red texts suggest an easy online purchasing experience.

On top of the page there is a very simple menu bar with just 5 buttons- Home, Handbags, Wallets, Belts and Shoes. And bellow the main banner there are a couple sponsored products. Nothing more. As stated above, the company carries a wide range of replica products. No matter if you want to buy a new Hermes bag, a Louis Vuitton wallet, a Ferragamo belt or Christian Louboutin pumps, here you will find everything you need to look fabulous.

Getting back to our first love- handbags-, the collection is pretty rich, but not overly impressive. Highpurse.cn carries Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Miu Miu, Celine, Chloe, Yves Sait Laurent and many others. Every brand lists numerous different models and the very large number of products makes it necessary to organize each category into sub-collections. Also, the replica bags can be sorted by name and price.

After a few moments spent browsing the products, you soon realize that these replica handbags are pretty fair. Compared to other fake purses the prices are pretty much the same. The smaller bags cost about $150-$250, the medium size ones are $250-$450, some of the larger models are even $500 and the big luggages are over $500. Frankly, if the quality is as promised then these beautiful fake purses are definitely worth the price.

What I absolutely do not like on this site is the fact that the handbags' pictures are not property of Highpurse.cn. How can I be sure of this? That's easy! If you browse a few collections you will notice that the pictures are very different. Some bags are photographed over a white fur carpet, some have a plain background, some are next to a vase of flowers and so on. There are at least 4 different sources for these products and this is really bothersome. It just shows how unprofessional the company really is and that we cannot trust that what is displayed in the photos is what will be delivered to us.

Highpurse.cn can accept the following credit card payments- Visa, Mastercard, JCB and American Express. Unfortunately it does not offer alternative payment options. Western Union, Bank, Wire, Money Gram would have been really nice. Sure, no one can deny the fact that card payments are the most secure and recommended for ordering stuff over the Internet, but somehow there is nothing that makes a company more reputable than offering a large range of payment options.

As pretty much all the replica handbags online stores out there, Highpurse.cn is able to deliver packages to any country in the world. Not only that it ships packages worldwide, but it is also able to offer free delivery. In fact, there are two available shipping options. The first one is completely free and it implies that your package will be shipped with regular mail and that the estimated delivery time will be about 10-25 days. And the second one costs $28 and it means that the order will be dispatched with EMS and that the usual delivery time will be about 4-7 business days.

This is a first. Up to Highpurse.cn I haven't heard of a 45 days money back guarantee. This is possibly the only replica bags online store that offers you the chance to ask for your money back within the first 45 days from the delivery. That is a lot of time for testing the product and deciding if you really like it. If you aren't satisfied then you must contact the store and tell them why you wish to return it for a refund or exchange. Even if the return fees must be paid by the customer, the great thing is that there are no restocking fees whatsoever.

I know, you are probably hoping for really good customer services, but don't hold your breath yet. This e-shop doesn't have a clue of what customer service really means. For any professional and reputable online store, this basically implies phone, email and chat services. Unfortunately, Highpurse.cn can be reached only through a Contact Form.

What can I say? Ordering a replica bag online can be like playing the roulette if you don't do your homework right. Take for instance Highpurse.cn – even though it has a very rich collection of replica handbags, affordable prices, free worldwide delivery and a 45 money back guarantee, it still leaves a lot of room for uncertainty. It does not offer alternatives to card payments and the product pictures are not of its own merchandise..

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